Giants of Cancer CareĀ® Program Inductees

Prostate Cancer
Patrick C. Walsh, MD
Johns Hopkins University
- Walsh pioneered the development of the anatomic approach to radical prostatectomy, which involves nerve-sparing techniques that reduce impotence and incontinence.
- Along with coworkers, he was the first to describe the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme deficiency, to develop an experimental technique for the induction of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), to demonstrate the influence of reversible androgen deprivation on BPH, and to characterize hereditary prostatic cancer.
- For 30 years, Walsh served as the director of the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the world's leading departments.
- Walsh authored two best-selling books for laypersons, The Prostate: A Guide for Men and the Women Who Love Them (1995) and Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer (2001) and for 25 years was the editor-in-chief of Campbell's Textbook of Urology, which has been renamed Campbell-Walsh in his honor.
- He is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of many awards, including the Charles F. Kettering Medal from the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation, the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine, and the Francis Amory Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.