Giants of Cancer CareĀ® Program Inductees

Breast Cancer
Dennis J. Slamon, MD, PhD
UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Slamon's research proved a relationship between the gene HER2/neu, which encodes a tyrosine kinase, and a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer.
- His research led to the discovery of the monoclonal antibody against HER2, the breast cancer drug trastuzumab (Herceptin), which has been used to treat more than 420,000 women worldwide.
- Herceptin has been heralded as a major advance in targeted cancer therapy since it was first introduced; the drug has been included in breast cancer treatment protocols in the United States since receiving FDA approval in 1998.
- Slamon's research focuses on developing new treatments for women with breast and ovarian cancers.
- In June 2000, President Clinton appointed Slamon to the three-member President's Cancer Panel.
- He has won nearly two dozen research awards honoring his scientific endeavors.