Giants of Cancer CareĀ® Program Inductees

Janet Davison Rowley, MD (deceased 2013)
University of Chicago
- Rowley was instrumental in the advancement of the identification of chromosomal translocation as the cause of leukemia and other cancers.
- Rowley also identified translocation between chromosomes 8 and 21 in acute myelogenous leukemia.
- She served on many presidential advisory committees, including the National Cancer Advisory Board (1979-1984) and the Council on Bioethics (2002-2009). She also received the National Medal of Science in 1998.
- In 2009, she stood next to President Barack Obama when he lifted the federal moratorium on funding for stem cell research, and she returned to the White House later that year to accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
- Rowley received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association for Cancer Research in 2010.