Giants of Cancer Care® Program Inductees

Clara D. Bloomfield, MD
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Clara D. Bloomfield, MD, is a Distinguished University Professor, the William G. Pace III Endowed Chair in Cancer Research, and cancer scholar and senior advisor at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center.
- Early research focused on the study of chromosome abnormalities in cancers of the hematopoietic system
- Key contributor in discovering the Philadelphia chromosome in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and in describing the rearrangement of chromosome 16q22 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
- Recent research focusing on molecular changes that occur in adults with AML
- Among the first to prove that elderly patients with AML, long believed to be fatal, could be cured through chemotherapy
- Demonstrated that patients with certain types of leukemia required stem cell transplantation for cure, while others could be treated successfully without undergoing such intense intervention
- Assumed the directorship of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center in 1997, the third woman to lead a National Cancer Institute—designated center
- Advanced the role of women in medicine through her active mentorship, by serving as a role model, and through enhancing university policy guidelines on equal employment and other issues for women faculty