Giants of Cancer Care® Program Inductees

Bart Barlogie, MD
Professor, Medicine, Department of Hematology and Oncology, The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Bart Barlogie, MD, has led numerous standout accomplishments in the advancement of knowledge about multiple myeloma.
- Dr Barlogie’s achievements include the introduction of autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma, discovery of how thalidomide works in treating myeloma, introduction of genomic profiling to risk-stratify myeloma subgroups, development of reproducible prognostic models for myeloma, and identification of myeloma therapy as a cause of myelodysplasia.
- Prior to joining Mount Sinai, Dr Barlogie headed the Myeloma Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, where he served as principal investigator in developing Total Therapies I, II, and III, which involve the use of proven myeloma agents up front to reduce tumor burden. The strategy involves hitting the cancer hard at the beginning of treatment, before it develops resistance to therapies. It has improved overall survival and progression-free survival, and cures have been documented in about 50% of patients with long-term follow-up.
- His initial laboratory research was dedicated to studying tumor cell cycle kinetics and its implications for the design of combination chemotherapy. He was among the first to demonstrate that DNA aneuploidy is a convenient marker for malignancies in most human tumor specimens.
- He is a professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology at The Mount Sinai Hospital and director of myeloma research at the Icahn School of Medicine.