Giants of Cancer Care® Program Inductees

Beth Y. Karlan, MD
Vice Chair of Women’s Health Research and Director of Cancer Population Genetics at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine
- Beth Y. Karlan, MD, has dedicated her career to improving care for women with cancer by accelerating translation scientific discoveries to the bedside, shaping current standards of care, and training the next generation of physicians/scientists.
- Her interest in robust tumor biorepositories for translational studies and early detection led to the discovery of the serum biomarker human epididymis protein 4 (HE4). HE4 testing is FDA approved to help assess women with a pelvic mass and to help monitor women with ovarian cancer for possible recurrence.
- Dr Karlan and her team described improved survival and platinum sensitivity for BRCA-associated ovarian cancers.
- She initiated and serves as a co-principal investigator for the BRCA Founder Outreach Study (BFOR), which is conducting population-based BRCA genetic testing on 4000 eligible adults of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
- President Barack Obama appointed Dr Karlan to the National Cancer Advisory Board in 2012. She is a past president of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (2005-2006) and currently serves as editor-in-chief for Gynecologic Oncology and Gynecologic Oncology Reports.
- Previously, Dr Karlan was director of the Women’s Cancer Program and the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, as well as founding director of the Gilda Radner Hereditary Cancer Program.